ST is quite a established company, so trying my luck and hope to have fun during the 3 months.
So went with weixang to ST, because he dont want to stay inside the lab due to a certain extend of reasons.
So registered myself at the reception counter and went up to be interviewed. Sat with a MAT at the pantry and chat. Nabei.. His name is MOHAMMAD NOOR, the legendary captain. Lendiao~~.
Moved on with the interview, started with brief introduction and later I found out that the company is looking for more electronics type of student. So i try to boast myself like i know abit of java programming language but actually i dont. In the end, I was to write a script out on sorting an array of numbers from ascending order. 8-)
Hello, is my year 1 sem 1 that i learn the script. Now i am required to use it on the year 3 sem 2.. What i learned on my first sem have to applied on my last sem.. end up, Tio owned and went to wei xiang house relax..
Actually they do brief what i will be doing during the 3months. If i get the nod, I will be programming a script to work on a software platform and then to be inputted inside a HP, PROGRAMMING at ST Microelectronics. Sounded very sutkee to me..
okay that sums it up my first employment interview at a establised company. 8-)